Exploring Each Region
Waymarks and Watchtowers / Resting at Bonfires / Visiting Cities / When Night Falls / Material Clusters / Scenic Areas / Encountering Powerful Enemies
Each region is abundant with rare Materials and beautiful Scenic Areas. Try going out and discovering such sights for yourself.
Waymarks and Watchtowers

Sometimes you'll find Waymarks at crossroads or at the center of a Camp. If you find one, try touching it. You can obtain information about nearby areas, and the locations of Scenic Areas, Hideaways, Watchtowers, Bonfires, and other locations will be displayed on the Map. You can only touch Waymarks when your weapon has been sheathed.

Waymark Icon

Sometimes you'll find Watchtowers when you've ventured away from the road.
If you climb to the top of one, you can obtain even more information about your surroundings than you can from Waymarks.
You can discover Clusters of Materials.

Watchtower Icon
Resting at Bonfires

There are locations at each region where Bonfires can be lit.
By resting at Bonfires, you can cook or advance the time of day as you wish.
To cook, you must complete Scrolls, as well as possess the Materials written on them. Depending on the type of meal you cook, you can achieve effects such as temporarily raising your abilities.
When you advance the time of day, your Health will be restored.
However, you cannot rest at Bonfires if your weapon is readied.

Bonfire Icon
Visiting Cities
A variety of facilities exist at Cities, such as Shops and Blacksmiths.
At Trading Posts, the goods that are available will vary with each region and time period, so make sure to visit them when you're at far-off Cities.
At Cities, there are Dilettantes and Coin Collectors. You can exchange your old coins with Coin Collectors for items,
and Dilettantes will give you rewards depending on how many Hunting Points you have.
When Night Falls
As time passes, eventually night wall fall. Forces stop advancing at night, so there are fewer enemies, but it also means that allied forces will stop marching as well.
The following are methods in which you can advance time from night to day. Doing so will also recover your Health.
Ways to Advance the Time to Morning
- Change the time at a Teahouse.
- Advance the time of day at a Bonfire.
- Change the time at a Hideaway.
Material Clusters

Sometimes you'll find Clusters of Materials in mountains and forests far from the road.
You can discover Clusters of Materials by climbing Watchtowers, or simply by traveling about.
You can check the Clusters you have discovered from "Map" - "Treasures Info" on the pause screen.
Different Materials have different degrees of rarity. The rarity of Materials is indicated with colored lines.

Common (White)

Uncommon (Green)

Rare (Blue)

Legendary (Purple)

Epic (Yellow)
Scenic Areas

There are beautiful spots in each region known as Scenic Areas.
There are some locations that will be difficult to access, so try performing Wall Jumps and making use of your Grappling Hook to reach them.
By touching a Waymark at a Scenic Area, it will be recorded as having been discovered.

Scenic Area Icon
Encountering Powerful Enemies

▲When you approach a powerful enemy, a warning will be displayed in the upper left of the screen. Whether to face the enemy or turn and flee is up to you.
Sometimes you'll encounter powerful bandit leaders and ferocious animals in mountains and forests far from the road, so you'll have to remain alert.
If you're confident in your abilities, it might be worthwhile to face such powerful enemies, as defeating them can earn you valuable rewards.
The farther and longer you venture off the road, the more likely you will be to encounter powerful enemies.