Main Screen
Battling, movement, and conversations take place on the Main Screen.

Displays a Mini-Map of the surrounding area.





Mission/Request Guide
Indicates the direction you must travel to reach the currently selected Mission or Request, as well as its distance.
If the location is outside of the area displayed, only its direction is displayed. The direction is displayed on the edge of the screen.
Key Mission
Recommended Mission
Recommended Mission (current)
Mission (current)
Request (current)

Destination Guide
Indicates the direction you must travel to reach your destination, as well as its distance.
If the location is outside of the area displayed, only its direction is displayed. The direction is displayed on the edge of the screen.
You can set your destination from the "Map" on the pause screen.
Officer Info

This displays the level, name, and Health gauge of officers.
Officers with a high amount of Health have multiple Health gauges. The ■ to the left of the gauge indicates the number of remaining gauges.
:Missions for which the difficulty level is higher than that of the player's level.
:Missions for which the difficulty level is lower than that of the player's level.
Yellow:Third-party forces
White:Demoralized enemies
Items ▶▶▶▶▶
/ Use 

Toggle and use Items.
If an item is displayed in red, it cannot be used at that time.
You can set up to 4 selectable items from "Officer Info" - "Equipment" - "Items."
Player Info

Lv.:Level | The player character's Level. Earn experience by defeating officers or completing missions and requests to raise your Level. |
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This gauge will be depleted as you take damage from enemies. If it is completely depleted, you will receive a game over. You can recover your health by using Vitality Powder, for example. |
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When this gauge is filled, you will be able to perform a Musou Attack. This gauge fills as you deal damage to enemies, as well as when you take damage from them. |
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Stamina is depleted when you Sprint, Evade, Dash, or Wall Jump, but is gradually refilled with time. | ![]() |
"Shortcut (when set ""On"")When the gauge is filled, cooldown time ends, and you will be able to execute another Special Attack. " |
Morale Gauge

The morale of your allies (blue) as well as that of your enemies (red).
When morale is high, officers and soldiers will become more belligerent, giving their side the advantage in battle.
This gauge is displayed at certain battles, such as battles at bases.
Mission/Request Info

Information about the currently selected Mission or Request is displayed.
Collected Item

Collected materials and items are displayed here.
K.O. Count

When you defeat an enemy, the total number of enemies that have been defeated for the current chapter is displayed.
As your total K.O. Count increases, the experience you receive from defeating enemy officers will also increase, as will the rate at which items drop.
Chain Count

This displays the current number of attacks you have chained together.
Horse Stamina

This is displayed in the lower center of the screen, but only when you are mounted.
Horse Stamina is depleted when you Sprint or Ram enemies, but it will gradually refill with time.