Using Influence / Being Cautious of the Enemy's Field of View / Accumulating K.O.s / Lighting Oil Pots / Capturing Corner Towers / Making Enemies Flinch / Picking Up Items
During battle, try to act according to the movements of the enemy and the overall situation.
Using Influence

Officers will have an influence over the area surrounding them.
Allies within this area will be strengthened, and enemies will be weakened.
On the Mini-Map, the spheres of influence of officers are indicated with thin blue circles (allies) and red circles (enemies).
Allies within your allies' sphere of influence are strengthened, and enemies are weakened. Enemies within your enemies' sphere of influence are strengthened, and allies are weakened.
Areas at which several red circles overlap are extremely dangerous, so try to be cautious of them.
On the other hand, if you advance to such areas together with allied officers you can use their influence to gain the advantage.
Being Cautious of the Enemy's Field of View
If you enter the enemy's field of view and are discovered, the enemy will launch an attack.
The enemy's field of view will be displayed in the shape of a fan when your weapon has been sheathed.
Fields of view will change depending on the weather. Also, when squatting,
the enemy's field of view becomes narrower, making you less likely to be discovered.
If you approach an enemy without being noticed, you can launch an Assault Attack by pressing the corresponding button.
It's also important to know when it is time to flee, such as when the level of the enemy you are approaching is high.

White: Indicates the player hasn't been discovered.

Red: Indicates the player has been discovered.
Accumulating K.O.s
When you defeat enemies, the number of enemies you have defeated is displayed in the lower right of the screen.
As this number increases, the amount of EXP you receive when you defeat enemy officers increases,
as does the rate at which items are dropped.
Try accumulating a large number of K.O.s in order to develop your officers.
Note that the number of K.O.s reverts to 0 when progressing to the next chapter.
Lighting Oil Pots

Shoot oil pots with arrows to engulf the surrounding area in flames, causing massive damage to enemies.
Oil Pots can be obtained from Shops, for example. They can be equipped from "Officer Info" - "Equipment" - "Items" on the pause screen.
When you use them in battle, they will be placed directly in front of you, and you can set them off by shooting them with an arrow.
It is advantageous to place Oil Pots in areas with large amounts of enemies.
If, however, enemies do not gather as expected, you can pick up your Oil Pots and set them elsewhere.

Oil Pots
Capturing Corner Towers

When attacking enemy castles and cities, you can raise the morale of allies and gain an advantage by capturing the Corner Towers of castle walls.
Capture Corner Towers by defeating the soldiers defending them at bases.
Making Enemies Flinch
When you defeat enemy officers or large forces of enemies in a short amount of time,
nearby enemies will flinch in fear and refrain from attacking.
When you are faced with a lot of enemies, try focusing your attacks on officers and wiping out all of the enemies at once with a powerful Special Attack, for example.
Picking Up Items
When you defeat enemy officers, they will usually drop gold. On rare occasions however, they will drop items such as power-up items or Health recovery items.
The more enemies you defeat, the higher the rate at which items are dropped will be.
Power-Up Items
The player's officer will flash during the duration of a power-up item's effects.
Red: Attack up Green: Defense up Blue: Speed up

War God's Axe
Attack is doubled for 30 seconds.

War God's Armor
Defense is doubled for 30 seconds.

Winged Boots
Speed is doubled for 30 seconds.
Health Recovery Items

Meat Bun
A small amount of Health is restored.

A moderate amount of Health is restored.

Aged Wine
Your Musou Gauge is restored.

Hua Tuo's Ointment
Your Health and Musou Gauge are fully restored.
In addition, there are various other types of items.