Pause Screen (Missions/Requests)
Selecting Missions/Requests / Fast Traveling to the Locations of Missions

▲If this is displayed next to the name of a mission on the map, it indicates that you can lower the difficulty level of the Mission by completing the Mission currently selected from the list.
You can check your current Mission or Request by selecting "Missions/Requests" from the pause screen.
Selecting Missions/Requests
If you press the corresponding button after selecting a Mission or Request from the list, a guide with information about the Mission or Request will be displayed on the main screen.
Fast Traveling to the Locations of Missions
When you select a Mission or Request from the list, if a marker is displayed,
you can Fast Travel to a location near the Mission or Request.
Note that you will Fast Travel to the location that is closest to the Mission among locations that you have travelled to and that are within your allies' sphere of influence.