Language / Game Settings / Display / Brightness / Sound / Controls / Key/Mouse Controls / Camera / Graphics / Graphics Settings (Advanced)

You can configure gameplay settings from "System" - "Options" on either the title menu or the pause screen. After configuring each setting, select "Apply" to apply the settings.
Set the language for voice and text. These settings can only be configured when you select "Options" from the title menu.
Game Settings
Set the difficulty level of the game.
Auto-Lock-On Setting
If this is set to "On," when blocking, enemies in front of you will automatically be displayed in the center of the screen.
Counter Assist
When "On," you can perform a Counter Attack, which is one type of Reactive Attack, by simply pressing the button for this action when such an attack is possible.
When "Off," you can only perform a Counter Attack by pressing the button for this action while tilting the left stick in the direction of the target enemy.
Health Bars
Set whether to display information such as names and health above officers' heads.
Map Display
Set whether to display the Mini-Map in the upper right of the screen.
Map Rotation
If this is set to "On," the Mini-Map will rotate to align with the direction the player character faces.
If this is set to "Off," then north will always be up.
Accepted Missions/Requests
Set whether to display on the right side of the screen the names of Missions and Requests that you have accepted and the conditions for clearing them.
Button Guide
Set whether to display a description of controls on the right side of the screen.
Destination Marker Display

Set whether to display your destination on the Mini-Map when one has been set.
Destinations Guide

Set whether to display a guide to your location or mission below your feet.
Set whether to display subtitles during movie playback.
Set the brightness of the screen.
Note: Only for Fullscreen Mode.
Set the volume levels for BGM, sound effects, and voice.
You can assign shortcuts for Trigger Attacks and Items.
Key/Mouse Controls
Assign actions to your keyboard and mouse.
Set the controls and the speed of the camera.
Adjust graphics setting such as the Display Mode and Resolution.
These settings can only be configured when you select "Options" from the title menu.
Graphics Settings (Advanced)
Adjust advanced graphics settings. These settings can only be configured when you select "Options" from the title menu.