Game Systems
Battle Screen

Morale Rank
This shows your current Morale Rank.
HP Gauge
This shows your current HP. You will die if it is completely depleted.
You can restore HP by resting at a Battle Flag or using the Dragon's Cure Pot.
The number of times the Dragon's Cure Pot can be used is limited. Rest at a Battle Flag to replenish it.
Spirit Gauge
This shows your current Spirit. The center of the gauge is 0 Spirit, to the right is High Spirit (positive Spirit), and to the left is Low Spirit (negative Spirit).
It will increase or decrease based on your actions.
Usable Items
These are the items you are able to use.
Up to seven can be set from Equipment in the Character menu. You can switch between them to use them.
Current Genuine Qi
This is gained by defeating enemies.
It can be spent to train your abilities from Level Up in the Battle Flag menu.
Equipped Weapons
Your melee weapon is on the left and your ranged weapon on the right.
You can equip multiple melee and ranged weapons, and quickly switch between them.
The number underneath the ranged weapon shows its remaining ammo, such as arrows.
Divine Beast Gauge
When full, a Divine Beast can be summoned or its Resonation activated.
Fill it by landing attacks and Fatal Strikes, taking damage, and defeating enemies.
Martial Arts
These are the Martial Arts you can use.
Every weapon has a different set of Martial Arts that can be performed while the weapon is equipped.
Wizardry Spells
These are the Wizardry Spells you have set.
To change them or learn new ones, go to Wizardry Spells in the Battle Flag menu.
Sense Qi Map
This shows your target destination and the location of enemies.
To the left is your Fortitude Rank , and the number of Battle Flags
and Marking Flags
you have captured in the current Battlefield.
Enemy Info
This indicates an enemy's HP Gauge, Spirit Gauge, and Morale Rank.
Note: For boss enemies, this appears at the top of the screen.
Ally Info
This indicates your ally's HP and Morale Rank.
Morale Rank

The number above the HP Gauge is your Morale Rank. Combat abilities increase based on Morale Rank, for both you and enemies alike.
You can only cast Wizardry Spells if you have the required Morale Rank, so it's helpful to achieve a higher rank before taking on a challenging foe.
How to Increase Morale Rank
Morale Rank is 0 at the start of a battle.
Defeat enemies and land Martial Arts attacks, Spirit Attacks, and Fatal Strikes to gain Morale Points. Morale Points accumulate on the gauge shown beside your Morale Rank. Each time the gauge fills up, your Morale Rank increases by 1, up to a maximum of 25.
Be Aware of Enemies' Threat Levels
The higher an enemy's Morale Rank is compared to yours, the greater threat they will be.
The color of an enemy's Morale Rank icon indicates their threat level: Green < Yellow
< Red
Fortitude Rank 
Dying lowers your Morale Rank, but it cannot go below your Fortitude Rank.
Your Fortitude Rank increases each time you raise a Battle Flag or Marking Flag. Raise as many flags as you can to increase your chances of clearing the battlefield.
Your current Fortitude Rank is shown to the left of the Sense Qi Map.
Spirit Gauge

The Spirit Gauge shows whether you are in High Spirit or Low Spirit. The middle is 0, High Spirit (positive) is to the left, and Low Spirit (negative) to the right.
Spirit Attacks and Fatal Strikes are more powerful the higher your Spirit Gauge is.
On the other hand, hitting the lower limit of the gauge will trigger Spirit Disruption, rendering you temporarily defenseless.
Spirit Gauge Gains and Losses
Actions like hitting enemies and deflecting increases the Spirit Gauge. It will decrease when being hit by enemies' attacks and other disadvantageous actions towards you.
The gauge goes back to 0 as time passes.
Battle Flags & Marking Flags
Battle Flag Effects
- Restores your HP.
- Serves as the point you revive from after dying.
- Replenishes your Dragon's Cure Pot (healing item).
- Increases Fortitude Rank.
- Repopulates the area with enemies.
- Gives access to the Battle Flag menu, from which you can level up and learn Wizardry Spells.
Note: Each Battle Flag raised increases your Fortitude Rank by 2.
Capturing a Battle Flag guarded by a leader increases your Fortitude Rank by 3 instead.
Marking Flags
Dotted across the battlefield are a number of spots where you can raise Marking Flags. Smaller than Battle Flags, they will restore your HP and increase your Fortitude Rank by 1.
Raising more Marking Flags will increase your Fortitude Rank, making it easier to clear battlefields.
Leaders & Followers
When enemies are working together, they are marked as followers with icons over their heads.
Some Battle Flags will be defended by a leader and their followers, who will be distinguished by and
icons over their heads, respectively.
Defeating the leader will allow you to raise a Battle Flag.
Note: Once the leaders/followers defending a Battle Flag are defeated and your own Flag is raised in its place, enemies will no longer reappear at that location.
Defeating Followers
Defeating the leader or delivering a Fatal Strike to a follower will decrease the lower limit of all of their Spirit Gauges, making them more vulnerable. Also, when your Morale Rank is higher than the followers', you will be able to make enemies flinch.
Negative Effects

Attacking an enemy with an elementally imbued weapon or executing a Wizardry Spell may cause them to suffer a negative effect. Likewise, being hit by an enemy's Wizardry Spells may inflict a negative effect on you.
Negative effects that are currently active are indicated with an icon.
Note: To see the type and description of any effect, go to Effect Icons from Documents in the Character menu.
Effect Icons

Circular icons indicate a negative status effect that is accumulating but is not yet active.
Once the gauge around the icon fills, the icon shape will change into and the negative effect will become active for a set period of time.
Note: There are also effects that benefit you and your allies (positive effects). Active positive effects are indicated with a blue icon .
Crushing Defeat

If you perish in battle, you will restart from the battle start point or from the last raised Battle Flag. You will also lose half of your Genuine Qi.

If you manage to defeat the enemy who killed you after restarting, you can regain your lost Genuine Qi (Revenge Accomplished).
However, if you die again before exacting your revenge, that Genuine Qi will be lost forever.
Note: The enemy you must slay to get revenge is displayed in orange on the Sense Qi Map.

If the foe that defeated you was a boss enemy, rechallenging them will allow you to regain your Genuine Qi and Morale Points.
You can request the aid of any warriors you've sworn an oath with from Reinforcements in the Battle Flag menu.
Calling warriors to your side expends Tiger Seals.
Note: Different warriors will be available depending on the battlefield.
Tiger Seals can be obtained on rare occasions by achieving vengeance on behalf of another player.
Once an ally's HP is depleted and they fall in battle, you have a window of time in which you can rush to their aid, restoring their health and bringing them back into the fight.
If you do not come to their aid in time, they will retreat from battle.
If you encourage an ally, they will perform certain actions according to their Five Phases affinity, for a set period of time.