Game Overview
Game Goal
You will oversee one of the forces that existed between the end of the Later Han period up to the Three Kingdoms period. Your goal is to unify the Chinese continent.
Game Clear
- When only your force exists.
Game Over
- When it reaches the year 351.
- If there are no cities left under your control.
- If there are no officers left in your force.
Land Structure

The land of China is made up of small pieces of land (HEX). A group of these smaller pieces are called areas. A collection of areas becomes a city region.
City Region
Cities exist throughout the land of China and are the center of the city regions. A city region is made up of multiple areas that belong to a given city. Each of these areas will have a "core," and the Force that suppresses the core gains control of that area. Areas whose core is captured by a neighboring city will become the property of that neighboring city.
Note: Cities, gates, and ports also serve the function of cores.
Cities and Gates
Each force must have control of at least one city. Forces who lose all of their cities collapse into ruin. In addition to cities, there are gates. Together, cities and gates are referred to as bases. Bases have durability and can be stationed by officers and troops. If an enemy attacks and either the durability or the troop count drops to 0, that base is captured by the enemy.
Force Structure
The officers in a force consist of a Ruler, Viceroys, Governors, and normal officers. There is also an officer with a special role called a Warlord.
This is the central officer of the force. If the Ruler dies, a different officer from the force will succeed to that position. If there is no officer who can become a Ruler, that force is wiped out.
A Viceroy's responsibility is to govern a division within the force. The Ruler is the Viceroy of the 1st Division. From the 2nd Division onward, a Viceroy will manage and govern the division according to delegation policies. Multiple cities can be assigned to each division.
The central officers of city regions. They are automatically decided within each city based on the abilities of the officers there. If the Ruler or a Viceroy is present at a base, they will be given precedence to become the Governor. The abilities of the Governor will greatly affect how difficult it would be to capture that city.
An officer that advises the Ruler. They will make various suggestions and proposals. The Warlord can be appointed from among officers with an INT of 70 or greater using Administration from the "Appointments" Force command.
Other Officers
Free Officers
Officers who are not affiliated with any particular force. They can sometimes be discovered using Search from the "People" Force command.
In areas with low public order, bandits and outlanders will occasionally appear. Forces in charge of the area will lose control over areas in which they appear. The kind of bandits or outlanders that appear depend on the region. Also, certain officer traits can help to curb their appearance.