Customize the hair, facial parts, beard, makeup, voice and more in detail in the Edit Mode!
In addition, armor can be layered on top of clothing.
Create your own custom officers and enjoy your very own "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" experience!
Interacting and forming bonds with officers has many benefits. Not only will they become your allies, but they can make proposals to give you an advantage in battles.
In addition, the "stroll" feature will enable you to explore your territory, so be sure to visit officers to deepen your relationships with them!
Once a strong bond is formed, you can marry or become sworn siblings with these heroes and heroines from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!
To win against other kingdoms, you will need to have an ample supply of "gold", "rations", and "army strength". There are also other ways to strengthen your kingdom, such as recruiting capable officers, strengthening your bases, and forming alliances with other kingdoms!
When battling other kingdoms, "Castle Sieges" take place, transforming the area surrounding castles into battlefields. Not only do you control your own character, but you can give orders to your allies and determine the strategy to lead your force to victory!
Once you conquer other kingdoms and unify China, you complete one scenario. There are several scenarios, and when specific conditions are met in certain scenarios, you can participate in special historical battles.
Find your own unique way to unify China in all scenarios!
Demo is available for download!