Just as their name implies, these attacks feature rapid movement and powerful attacks that combine to decimate the enemy ranks. Unlike the Power Attack combos that usually begin with the □ button followed by the △ button, these combos are formed by first pressing △ and then pressing the □ button. Characters with rapid normal attacks will now attack even more swiftly, while those with slower attacks will see a great increase in their attack speed, allowing for even more immersive and exciting battlefield action. However, while these attacks are useful against general enemy troops, they are less effective against enemy officers, so you will need to plan your strategy accordingly.
This powerful state can be reached when the Spirit Gauge is full by pressing the R3 button. While in Rage mode, your attacks will be powered up, and you will be impervious to enemy attacks. Additionally, performing a Musou Attack while in Rage mode will let you perform the extremely powerful Musou Frenzy Attack.
When you lower an enemy officer's health to a certain level, stun them, or achieve other certain conditions, you may be given the chance to inflict a powerful finishing blow against them. Landing a Mighty Strike against an enemy officer can tip the battle in your favor.
This game enables you to mount horses while moving, enabling a seamless transition in your movement.
Attacks such as Power Attacks and the Spirit Charge from the series have all been powered up over their previous iterations. In addition to new animations, the attack types of each character have been rearranged, bringing a fresh new take on everybody's favorite characters.