All Officers Play
From Free Officer to Ruler
The "All Officers Play" feature allows all officers to be playable, including the rulers who lead the forces, the officers who serve them, and those who are not affiliated with any particular force.
Play through the Three Kingdoms period while deepening relationships through sworn siblings, marriage, and more.
More than 1,000 officers
The number of officers is greatly increased from approximately 600 in ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS VIII to 1,000.
New forces have also been added, and new story directions and relationships between officers are depicted.
From Free Officer to Ruler
The "All Officers Play" feature allows all officers to be playable, including the rulers who lead the forces, the officers who serve them, and those who are not affiliated with any particular force.
Play through the Three Kingdoms period while deepening relationships through sworn siblings, marriage, and more.
More than 1,000 officers
The number of officers is greatly increased from approximately 600 in ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS VIII to 1,000.
New forces have also been added, and new story directions and relationships between officers are depicted.
From Free Officer to Ruler
The "All Officers Play" feature allows all officers to be playable, including the rulers who lead the forces, the officers who serve them, and those who are not affiliated with any particular force.
Play through the Three Kingdoms period while deepening relationships through sworn siblings, marriage, and more.
Game Cycle
The turn-based system allows players to calmly give directions, and a single map integrates field and siege battles. While the rules remain the same as the previous iteration, the balance and tempo of the game have been greatly improved, making it easier for beginners to enjoy.
In battles that begin in accordance with the war council's decisions, players can achieve great results through "Link Forged" with close officers.
At the "Parliament" held once every three months, rulers and governors determine the management policies of the country and cities.
Sometimes those decisions influence the future direction of forces through diplomacy and battles with other countries.
Accomplish tasks given in the "Parliament" and achieve results. When cooperating with an officer in a close relationship, "Link Forged" occurs and players can aim for greater results.
In addition, players can spend their time as they wish; earning rewards after accomplishing requests received at taverns, inquiring at various spots to hear what civilians have to say, and interacting with other officers at home.
The turn-based system allows players to calmly give directions, and a single map integrates field and siege battles. While the rules remain the same as the previous iteration, the balance and tempo of the game have been greatly improved, making it easier for beginners to enjoy.
In battles that begin in accordance with the war council's decisions, players can achieve great results through "Link Forged" with close officers.
At the "Parliament" held once every three months, rulers and governors determine the management policies of the country and cities.
Sometimes those decisions influence the future direction of forces through diplomacy and battles with other countries.
Accomplish tasks given in the "Parliament" and achieve results. When cooperating with an officer in a close relationship, "Link Forged" occurs and players can aim for greater results.
In addition, players can spend their time as they wish; earning rewards after accomplishing requests received at taverns, inquiring at various spots to hear what civilians have to say, and interacting with other officers at home.
The turn-based system allows players to calmly give directions, and a single map integrates field and siege battles. While the rules remain the same as the previous iteration, the balance and tempo of the game have been greatly improved, making it easier for beginners to enjoy.
In battles that begin in accordance with the war council's decisions, players can achieve great results through "Link Forged" with close officers.
New Features
Tales that enrich relationships between officers
Relationship Chart
Relationship Chart
The new feature, "Relationship Chart", clearly displays the relationships and "Destiny" of officers. In addition to sworn siblings and spouses, the relationship chart also allows players to instantly identify officers who are friendly.
Through the constantly changing relationship chart, players can enjoy a more dramatic life.
"Destiny" is a new feature that connects two officers and includes "Symbiotic" (positive) and "Antagonistic" (negative) alignments.
Depending on how the game unfolds, partners bound by destiny will change, making for a more dramatic gameplay experience.
"Symbiotic" relationships are established when the player interacts with other officers through commands, events, etc., and a certain number of "sympathies" occur.
When a player is in a "Symbiotic" relationship with another officer, the officer will assist the player in many situations, such as councils, domestics, and battles.
"Antagonistic" relationships are established between officers from different forces when engaging on the battlefield. If the relationship is "Antagonistic",
the officer will not accept visits from the player, or may show hostility to the player when the they meet on the battlefield.
Relationship Chart
The new feature, "Relationship Chart", clearly displays the relationships and "Destiny" of officers. In addition to sworn siblings and spouses, the relationship chart also allows players to instantly identify officers who are friendly.
Through the constantly changing relationship chart, players can enjoy a more dramatic life.
"Destiny" is a new feature that connects two officers and includes "Symbiotic" (positive) and "Antagonistic" (negative) alignments.
Depending on how the game unfolds, partners bound by destiny will change, making for a more dramatic gameplay experience.
"Symbiotic" relationships are established when the player interacts with other officers through commands, events, etc., and a certain number of "sympathies" occur.
When a player is in a "Symbiotic" relationship with another officer, the officer will assist the player in many situations, such as councils, domestics, and battles.
"Antagonistic" relationships are established between officers from different forces when engaging on the battlefield. If the relationship is "Antagonistic",
the officer will not accept visits from the player, or may show hostility to the player when the they meet on the battlefield.
Relationship Chart
The new feature, "Relationship Chart", clearly displays the relationships and "Destiny" of officers. In addition to sworn siblings and spouses, the relationship chart also allows players to instantly identify officers who are friendly.
Through the constantly changing relationship chart, players can enjoy a more dramatic life.
"Traits" that effect strategies
"Link Forged" - where drama leads to strategy
Well-paced tactics - Battles
The "Duels" in which various great warriors engage in spectacular battles will be based on a strategic card-based system.
The difference in abilities can be overcome by making the most of your skills and strategies.
The beautiful 3D models with exciting actions allow players to enjoy even more powerful duels.
Battle Maps
The game features a combination of 2D graphics, incorporating decorative ink paintings, and 3D graphics, which provides depth. This fusion provides a highly immersive experience in battle maps.
Enjoy the dynamic battles at your own pace, where the emotions of the officers change according to the situation, and the dynamic battles that emerge through "Link Forged" between the officers and their closest comrades.
War Council
In the "War Council", you can place units and traps with "Strategem". Using "Stratagem" will impact the course of the war significantly.
When a unit is captured by "Traps", their "Morale" will decrease and the movement will be restricted. Depending on the military strategy, even a disadvantageous battle can be overturned.
When a unit is captured by "Traps", their "Morale" will decrease and the movement will be restricted. Depending on the military strategy, even a disadvantageous battle can be overturned.
Troop Type
Will the next battlefield be in the mountains, or on the plains? Light infantry will have an advantage on mountainous terrain, while light cavalry will have an advantage in movement.
In addition to archers who can attack at long ranges, heavy infantry and other special soldier types such as Chu-Ko-Nu can also be organized. In addition, assault ships can be used to gain the advantage on water. The path to victory is to master the various types of troops.
Tactics and Weapons
"Tactics" are the key to victory, and have been greatly enhanced in terms of variety and playability. By improving the "Technology" of your forces, the weapons that can be deployed to your units will become more powerful.
Special battle strategies using siege weapons such as rams and catapults will also become available. Overwhelm your enemies with your skills and the technological power of your entire nation.
The "Duels" in which various great warriors engage in spectacular battles will be based on a strategic card-based system.
The difference in abilities can be overcome by making the most of your skills and strategies.
The beautiful 3D models with exciting actions allow players to enjoy even more powerful duels.
Battle Maps
The game features a combination of 2D graphics, incorporating decorative ink paintings, and 3D graphics, which provides depth. This fusion provides a highly immersive experience in battle maps.
Enjoy the dynamic battles at your own pace, where the emotions of the officers change according to the situation, and the dynamic battles that emerge through "Link Forged" between the officers and their closest comrades.
War Council
In the "War Council", you can place units and traps with "Strategem". Using "Stratagem" will impact the course of the war significantly.
When a unit is captured by "Traps", their "Morale" will decrease and the movement will be restricted. Depending on the military strategy, even a disadvantageous battle can be overturned.
When a unit is captured by "Traps", their "Morale" will decrease and the movement will be restricted. Depending on the military strategy, even a disadvantageous battle can be overturned.
Troop Type
Will the next battlefield be in the mountains, or on the plains? Light infantry will have an advantage on mountainous terrain, while light cavalry will have an advantage in movement.
In addition to archers who can attack at long ranges, heavy infantry and other special soldier types such as Chu-Ko-Nu can also be organized. In addition, assault ships can be used to gain the advantage on water. The path to victory is to master the various types of troops.
Tactics and Weapons
"Tactics" are the key to victory, and have been greatly enhanced in terms of variety and playability. By improving the "Technology" of your forces, the weapons that can be deployed to your units will become more powerful.
Special battle strategies using siege weapons such as rams and catapults will also become available. Overwhelm your enemies with your skills and the technological power of your entire nation.
The "Duels" in which various great warriors engage in spectacular battles will be based on a strategic card-based system.
The difference in abilities can be overcome by making the most of your skills and strategies.
The beautiful 3D models with exciting actions allow players to enjoy even more powerful duels.
Be prepared and gain the upper hand
In this title, developing the "Science" of your forces allows you to deploy a variety of troop types and siege weapons on various battlefields.
Once a city's "Science" reaches a certain level, you can obtain "Science Text" which can be used to advance the entire force's technology.
You will need to anticipate future battles and decide the categories of the "Science" you want to proritize.
In "Parliament", when selecting "March" to invade enemy cities, players will "Adjust" units that are participating in battle.
Players will have to make decisions about the leaders they choose and their deputies, along with other factors including "Troop Type", "Siege Weapons" and "Ships".
Advantageously organizing units will be the key to a winning strategy, as the selection of officers affects both the unit's abilities and the possible tactics and the difficulty of coordination with other units.
The number of soldiers will gradually increase each season. If players wish to recruit soldiers more quickly, they can select "Conscription".
However, this will also lower the city's public order.
In addition to deciding between military strength and city stability, this feature also adds depth to the gameplay as the player can apply new strategies, like using schemes, to lower the public order in an enemy city to block their conscription.
In this title, developing the "Science" of your forces allows you to deploy a variety of troop types and siege weapons on various battlefields.
Once a city's "Science" reaches a certain level, you can obtain "Science Text" which can be used to advance the entire force's technology.
You will need to anticipate future battles and decide the categories of the "Science" you want to proritize.
In "Parliament", when selecting "March" to invade enemy cities, players will "Adjust" units that are participating in battle.
Players will have to make decisions about the leaders they choose and their deputies, along with other factors including "Troop Type", "Siege Weapons" and "Ships".
Advantageously organizing units will be the key to a winning strategy, as the selection of officers affects both the unit's abilities and the possible tactics and the difficulty of coordination with other units.
The number of soldiers will gradually increase each season. If players wish to recruit soldiers more quickly, they can select "Conscription".
However, this will also lower the city's public order.
In addition to deciding between military strength and city stability, this feature also adds depth to the gameplay as the player can apply new strategies, like using schemes, to lower the public order in an enemy city to block their conscription.
In this title, developing the "Science" of your forces allows you to deploy a variety of troop types and siege weapons on various battlefields.
Once a city's "Science" reaches a certain level, you can obtain "Science Text" which can be used to advance the entire force's technology.
You will need to anticipate future battles and decide the categories of the "Science" you want to proritize.
Develop a winning strategy in the "War Council"
On the battle map, you may see defensive "Buildings" such as the "Watchtower", "Gate" and "Signal Tower".
The defensive side can use these "Buildings", each with their own unique effects, to engage in battles where they can match or surpass enemy officers with high abilities or a large number of troops.
By placing units in areas such as forests or rocky terrains, they will enter the battle in an ambushed state. The units will remain undetected by enemy units, even when they are within their line of sight.
Attacking from this state triggers an ambush, allowing you to start the battle at an advantage.
Predicting the enemy's route and timing the ambush will test the player's judgment.
On the battle map, you may see defensive "Buildings" such as the "Watchtower", "Gate" and "Signal Tower".
The defensive side can use these "Buildings", each with their own unique effects, to engage in battles where they can match or surpass enemy officers with high abilities or a large number of troops.
By placing units in areas such as forests or rocky terrains, they will enter the battle in an ambushed state. The units will remain undetected by enemy units, even when they are within their line of sight.
Attacking from this state triggers an ambush, allowing you to start the battle at an advantage.
Predicting the enemy's route and timing the ambush will test the player's judgment.
On the battle map, you may see defensive "Buildings" such as the "Watchtower", "Gate" and "Signal Tower".
The defensive side can use these "Buildings", each with their own unique effects, to engage in battles where they can match or surpass enemy officers with high abilities or a large number of troops.
Change the course of battle!
Critical Hit
By combining features like "Troop Types", "Tactics", "Stratagems" and "Link Forged", players can fight enemy armies more effectively.
Particularly, officers with unique battle traits like Guan Yu can create dramatic scenarios where they wipe out tens of thousands of enemy troops by skillfully combining these elements.
"Tactics" will be significantly upgraded as categories will increase from 15 to over 40, while the effects of tactics will be revamped and the overall balance adjusted.
Additionally, if your unit is equipped with "Siege Weapons", you can use special "Tactics".
"Tactics" can be activated when a unit's "Morale" reaches a certain level.
The "Link Forged" tactic, which is triggered between friendly officers, also requires a certain level of "Morale", which is crucial for adding depth to battles.
Critical Hit
By combining features like "Troop Types", "Tactics", "Stratagems" and "Link Forged", players can fight enemy armies more effectively.
Particularly, officers with unique battle traits like Guan Yu can create dramatic scenarios where they wipe out tens of thousands of enemy troops by skillfully combining these elements.
"Tactics" will be significantly upgraded as categories will increase from 15 to over 40, while the effects of tactics will be revamped and the overall balance adjusted.
Additionally, if your unit is equipped with "Siege Weapons", you can use special "Tactics".
"Tactics" can be activated when a unit's "Morale" reaches a certain level.
The "Link Forged" tactic, which is triggered between friendly officers, also requires a certain level of "Morale", which is crucial for adding depth to battles.
Critical Hit
By combining features like "Troop Types", "Tactics", "Stratagems" and "Link Forged", players can fight enemy armies more effectively.
Particularly, officers with unique battle traits like Guan Yu can create dramatic scenarios where they wipe out tens of thousands of enemy troops by skillfully combining these elements.
Enjoy strategising in the "Debate" system
A new "Debate" system will be newly added to this title. Officers will compete by the number of cards in their hands. The rich voice acting of the officers will enhance the excitement.
When facing opponents of similar abilities, every move can be a tense, decisive exchange that will bring victory, or defeat.
Features that enrich the experience of playing as an officer
Editing Original Officers
Players will be able to adjust abilities, skills and traits to their preferences.
The classic "Editing Original Officers" will also be available.
Players will be able to create their own in-game avatars or favorite historical figures to enjoy a custom experience.
Players can gain “Spouses” of the opposite gender by fulfilling certain conditions.
Players will form synergetic relationships with their "Spouses" and gain various benefits such as support in "Mission" and "Training", as well as "Link" and "Assistance".
Raising a Child
As players interact with their spouses, a child may be born, triggering events related to "Raising a Child".
Choices made by players in these events will influence the child's abilities and sometimes the child may inherit traits.
Once the child turns 16, they will come of age and join the same force as the players.
In addition to "Tales", there will be events which randomly occur in cities.
These events will vary based on relationships the player has with officers, a protagonist's "Destiny", and reputation.
Officers in a close relationship may invite the player on hunts or for dining, for example.
Players can also "Inquire" to raise public sentiment at facilities, triggering "Events".
Accepting Requests
Players can "Accept Requests" at taverns. Completing requests rewards players with reputation and gold.
Some requests may reduce notoriety, while others might increase it.
Requests that are available vary depending on circumstances, and will also appear in "Tales".
"Wisdom" is needed for learning various tactics, skills and leveling up. It can be obtained by deepening relationships with officers.
The "Wisdom" that players receive will depend on the abilities of the officer they interact with.
Although it can also be acquired through missions and battles, communication with officers will be necessary if players want specific kinds of wisdom.
Player characters can perform "Training" at home. This allows them to gain experience in abilities such as strength and intelligence.
Once enough experience is accumulated, the abilities will be increased.
When an allied officer in the city joins in "Assistance", the amount of experience gained will significantly increase.
Editing Original Officers
Players will be able to adjust abilities, skills and traits to their preferences.
The classic "Editing Original Officers" will also be available.
Players will be able to create their own in-game avatars or favorite historical figures to enjoy a custom experience.
Players can gain “Spouses” of the opposite gender by fulfilling certain conditions.
Players will form synergetic relationships with their "Spouses" and gain various benefits such as support in "Mission" and "Training", as well as "Link" and "Assistance".
Raising a Child
As players interact with their spouses, a child may be born, triggering events related to "Raising a Child".
Choices made by players in these events will influence the child's abilities and sometimes the child may inherit traits.
Once the child turns 16, they will come of age and join the same force as the players.
In addition to "Tales", there will be events which randomly occur in cities.
These events will vary based on relationships the player has with officers, a protagonist's "Destiny", and reputation.
Officers in a close relationship may invite the player on hunts or for dining, for example.
Players can also "Inquire" to raise public sentiment at facilities, triggering "Events".
Accepting Requests
Players can "Accept Requests" at taverns. Completing requests rewards players with reputation and gold.
Some requests may reduce notoriety, while others might increase it.
Requests that are available vary depending on circumstances, and will also appear in "Tales".
"Wisdom" is needed for learning various tactics, skills and leveling up. It can be obtained by deepening relationships with officers.
The "Wisdom" that players receive will depend on the abilities of the officer they interact with.
Although it can also be acquired through missions and battles, communication with officers will be necessary if players want specific kinds of wisdom.
Player characters can perform "Training" at home. This allows them to gain experience in abilities such as strength and intelligence.
Once enough experience is accumulated, the abilities will be increased.
When an allied officer in the city joins in "Assistance", the amount of experience gained will significantly increase.