Getting Started
On the title screen, press any button to go to the main menu.
Main Menu

Start a new game.
Resume playing by loading save/autosave data.
You can replay completed episodes, or start the latest episode from the beginning.
Adjust settings for the camera, controls, sound, etc.
You can also switch between control modes or adjust motion sensor sensitivity.

View images or listen to music from previous Fatal Frame releases.
Only available in the Digital Deluxe Edition.
Exit the game.
Only available in the Steam version.
Select "LOAD GAME" to resume a game using save/autosave data.
On the episode selection screen, you can view the difficulty level, purchase items, and change costumes.

Play data is automatically saved in accordance with your progress. When you leave an episode early, an autosave will be created at the last checkpoint you reached.
Select "LOAD GAME" to begin a game using save/autosave data.