The Haibara Connection
Yo Haibara

Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai
Shigeto Haibara's son and a native of Rogetsu Isle. Yo opened Haibara Clinic on the mainland. After an incident causes Yo to grow obsessed with finding a cure for Moonlight Syndrome, he resorts to human experimentation and ends up killing several of his patients. With a warrant out for his arrest, Yo escapes to Rogetsu Isle. He has a soft spot for Ayako whom he first met at his father's infirmary.
Shigeto Haibara
Voiced by Ryoichi Fukuzawa
Yo Haibara's father and the director of Haibara Infirmary. Shigeto Haibara was the leading expert on Moonlight Syndrome. As the priest who presided over the Rogetsu Kagura, he believed it was his life's mission to study Moonlight Syndrome from both a traditional and medical front. He attempted to treat patients using musical therapy and surgery, but both methods proved unable to completely cure them of the illness.
Musical Therapy Trial: Moonsounds were played throughout the hall during specific intervals of the day. They seemed to have a remarkable effect on adolescent patients.
Shoji Katagiri
Voiced by Sho Koneri
A doctor from mainland Japan and assistant to Shigeto Haibara.
Having immense respect for Dr. Shigeto Haibara and his work on Moonlight Syndrome, Shoji joined him in his research on the illness endemic to Rogetsu Isle.
However, he began to grow increasingly uneasy with the doctor's unconventional medical practices as more and more patients died under his care.

A girl afflicted with Moonlight Syndrome. Ayako was admitted to Haibara Infirmary at Shigeto Haibara's personal request. The nurses and other patients were always terrified of her violent tendencies and tasteless pranks, as she was prone to hurting people with sharp objects.