The Day of Tranquility

A catastrophe that was caused by the Mask of the Lunar Eclipse made by Soetsu Yomotsuki.
The Haibara Clinic Serial Killings

A string of homicides that occurred in Haibara Clinic on the mainland which led to an arrest warrant for Yo Haibara. Detective Choshiro Kirishima headed to Rogetsu Isle to bring the suspected felon to justice.
The Vessel Incident

An incident where the Vessel, played by a nurse, suddenly blossomed and died. The Rogetsu Kagura was scrapped afterwards.
A state in which a person afflicted with Moonlight Syndrome exhibits worsening symptoms, resulting in the loss of their memories and personalities, and a distortion of their face.
The early stages of "blossoming" are also referred to as "budding." The phenomenon where an individual blossoms upon seeing a blossomed face is known as "resonance."
The early stages of "blossoming" are also referred to as "budding." The phenomenon where an individual blossoms upon seeing a blossomed face is known as "resonance."
The Kagura Kidnappings

Five girls from the stands of the Rogetsu Kagura―Ruka Minazuki, Misaki Aso, Madoka Tsukimori, Tomoe Nanamura, and Marie Shinomiya―go missing at the same time as the Vessel Incident.

Choshiro Kirishima rescues the kidnapped girls

Two weeks after the kidnappings, Choshiro Kirishima rescues the girls from the basement of Haibara Infirmary.
Sayaka Minazuki whisks Ruka away to the mainland

Sayaka Minazuki, the mother of Ruka (one of the abducted girls), suspects her mask-maker husband, Soya Yomotsuki, was involved with the kidnappings. She moves to the mainland with her daughter for safety.
Mass Disappearances

Almost all of the island's inhabitants go missing. Those who are found turn up dead clutching their faces. Without any hard evidence, the case is closed, and Rogetsu Isle falls into disrepute.
The Mysterious Deaths of Tomoe Nanamura and Marie Shinomiya

Ten years after the Vessel Incident, two of the kidnapped girls―Tomoe Nanamura and Marie Shinomiya―are found dead under mysterious circumstances.
Ruka Minazuki visits Rogetsu Isle

Following after Misaki Aso and Madoka Tsukimori, Ruka Minazuki heads to Rogetsu Isle.