Progression Tips
Synthesis Tips
Ingredient Collection Tips

I've checked everywhere, but I can't find a single Beehive!
Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places ...
But Marie ... it's the middle of winter.
All the bees must be hibernating now.
You'll probably have better luck in summer.

In Search of New Recipes

I see that you've gotten a handle on synthesis, Marie.
You're certainly developing quite a reputation.
You can say that again!
I've already made almost all the recipes from the references I bought!
Could it be ...? Have I already mastered alchemy?


It's good that you've developed some confidence.
But you should know that there are far more recipes out there.
You must work tirelessly if you truly wish to excel at alchemy.
Buying references from the Academy isn't the only way to learn recipes.
For example, increasing your level and reputation will grant access to more advanced manuals in the library.
Acquiring more knowledge or making certain items may also yield unexpected results.
Leave no stone unturned in your search for new recipes!
Town Life Tips
Making Money

Maybe I shouldn't have bought all these references and utensils at once ... Now I'm broke!
I need to make some coin, and fast!
Oh! That's a lot of Crafts you have there.
You know, teachers use them for Academy lessons, but their stock has just run out.
If you had some to spare, I could pay you well for them.


Oh, okay. I guess I could let some go ... I mean, these are just some extras I had lying around.
... Score!
Quests won't bring in much coin by themselves.
Making items to sell in bulk to the Academy could bring in a tidy profit, though.
Be warned, however, that the items you can sell change every 10 days.
Remember to check what they're looking for from the town map.
For your first go, try Crafts. They're easy to make and sell for a good price.
Check Notices Regularly

Thanks to all those items I sold, I'm rolling in dough!
I probably shouldn't spend it all at once, though.
Must ... resist ... shopping ...
That reminds me, the Academy shop had a sale yesterday.
I saw a notice about it at the Sky Tavern. Did you go?


I had no idea!
I have to make sure I remember for next time ...
Make sure to read the notices posted around town.
They'll alert you to Academy shop sales, give hints for triggering events, and provide all sorts of useful info.
Let a Fairy Do It

I'm getting better at alchemy, and now I can take on more quests, but I can't do all this work on my own.
If only I could take on more jobs, I could rake it in ...
Well then, why not hire a helping hand?
Gathering? Synthesizing? Leave it to us fairies!

Fairies can gather and synthesize items for you.
Use them effectively and you'll be knocking out quests left and right. You can also have them make items to sell.
They do not, however, work for free.
If you run out of money, they'll head back to the forest. So take care not to go into the red.
Master Minigames

Ooh, you cheeky little rat!
Do you know how much work I put into making that Charicheese?!
If I see you around here again, you're in for it!
It looks like you're having some trouble ...
You can buy a Mousetrap at the Academy if you need it, you know.

Forge Your Own Path

All I ever do is sell items and turn in quests ... It's always the same. I never feel like I'm improving.
Professor, am I going about this all wrong?
Nothing will ever change if you just sit around and wait.
If you want new experiences, you'll have to seek them out.

Anything can trigger a new event, from raising someone's friendship to crafting a particular item.
Seek out fresh experiences and your life as an alchemist will be that much more rewarding.
Don't forget, you can always check event prerequisites via Event List under Story in the Main Menu.
Adventuring/Combat Tips
Choose Destinations Carefully

Yikes, look at the state of you!
What in the world happened?
I traveled all the way to Mount Wieland ...
I heard it was rich in ore ...
But no one said the monsters were that strong!


That ain't a place for rookie adventurers to try their luck.
Next time, maybe pick a destination more your speed.
Mount Wieland may be available from the start of the game, but the enemies there are no joke.
The Nearby Forest and Hebel Lake are much better for budding adventurers. They're close by and the enemies are weak.
If you go with a companion, you can also raise their friendship and unlock their direct quests at the same time.
Breaking New Ground

After exploring so much, it's lost some of its spark. I want to feel that rush of excitement again.
Well, do I have the rumor for you.
A little birdie told me about a new gathering area. I'll tell you all about it for 100 coins.
What do you say?


Huh? I have to pay?
But I really wanna know ... Grnn ...
Rumors can tip you off about new gathering areas to visit.
Remember to check for new rumors whenever you visit the Sky Tavern.
Something "Special"

Nice work! That monster never knew what hit it!
Um, are you okay? You look kinda down.
It feels like I'm making everyone pick up my slack.
I want my own super-cool special attack!
But all I have is this scuzzy old staff ...


You certainly could do with a better weapon.
Maybe the weapon shop master could help?
Marie starts the game unable to use Special attacks, making her weaker than the other characters.
If you want to make her stronger, try triggering events with the weapon shop master.
Perhaps something interesting will happen!
Speed is the Key to Victory

Back from your excursion, are you?
Now, what's that sour expression all about?
Oh, Enderk! You won't believe what just happened!
I ran into a nasty monster, and I couldn't get a single hit in!
It just kept attacking over and over! How come I never got to take a turn?!


Calm yourself. The prey must become the hunter.
Pay attention to your speed and you may have a far easier time.
Speed is an important combat stat that determines how quickly your turns come around and how reliably you can flee from combat.
Speed differs by character and equipped gear.
Gathering areas change dramatically as the seasons turn.
That means certain ingredients only appear at certain times of the year.
There's no point taking on a quest if what you need isn't available. You'll only hurt your reputation.
You can see the current season on the calendar on the field screen.